Saturday 15 December 2012

Start of a New Blog

Greetings on this sad day ...

This blog is to record my Christmas 2012 concentration on the current Coal Seam Gas drilling and Fracking Syndrome crisis in Australia and Overseas.

It's my Christmas Present/End of the Mayan Clock to Gaia.

In early January 2013 SBS will be screening Dirty Business with one of the quotes from the show saying "the mining business is more powerful than the Australian Government" ....

I will be concentrating on New South Wales, Australia as that is where i am : aiming to put all of the links of all of the dedicated hard-working people whose lives have been affected by it and who have already staked their goal of impressing on money-dorked governments that mistakes have been made before (like introducing rabbits and foxes - not that i dont like rabbits and foxes).

I, myself, became passionate about it because I would love to move to the country and be one with the land, in whatever level i can, at my age.  But to have the threat of 'dirty business' has dissuaded me until we have won the battle.

The battle is being fought on many fronts; New York, for instance and the fabulous Lock The Gate .

My first endeavour will be, armed with the UBD of NSW's "Cities and Towns", (2009), to read Sharyn Munro's Rich Land Wasteland, which has been waiting patiently in the bookshelf.

I will also be returning to songwriting for this cause. . . some may groan at that prospect but many many decades have elapsed !

With peace and love,
" Gwen Will "

1 comment:

  1. Aye - the theiving miners are the reason our best PM since Whitlam was kicked out before his time - again. Their influence is certainly more powerful than democracy - because gullible, fearful mortgage holders (literally 'measured for death') fall for their lies about being 'essential to our economic well being' - and so let them steal our heritage for a little bit of temporary pottage!
    Thanks for your insight!
